Contents of the Manage Succession Plan Participants Screen

The Manage Succession Plan Participants screen displays the following fields and columns.


Field/Column Description
Job Title This is the name of the position.

Click the name to see the Position Profile, which includes a description of the role and its requirements, salary information, and the required training required.

Participants This column lists current participants in the plan.
Collaborating Since This is the date when the collaboration started.
Collaboration End Date This is the date when the employee will no longer need to participate in the plan.
Participant Permissions These are the tasks that the participant is allowed to perform for this plan.
  • Nominate Successors: the participant can nominate new successors to the plan.
  • Approve Nominations:The participant can approve nominations that other participants have made.
  • Reject Nominations: The participant can reject nominations that other participants have made.
  • Reorder Successors:The participant can make changes to the ranking order of successors.
  • Manage Development Plans:The participant can make changes to employee development plans.


The buttons and icons on the Manage Succession Plan Participants screen perform the following functions.

Button/Icon Action Description
View All Click this button to display the Succession Plans screen, where you can see all of the succession plans for which you are either the owner or a participant.
Potential Successors Click this button to display the Succession Plan screen, where you can see and update detailed information for the succession plan, including adding new successors.
More Options > View Talent Pool Click this button to see a list of employees who are not identified as successors for the job, but are developing the skills to become successors in the future.
More Options > Ranking Request Click this button to ask participants to rank potential successors and to review prior rankings.
Search for Participants Click this button to search for additional employees to participate in the succession plan.
E-mail Click this icon to send an email to the participant.
Edit Click this icon to change the participants Collaboration End Date or permissions.
Delete Click this icon to remove the employee as a participant in this plan.